
Prof. Entin Hidayah is currently a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Jember. Her research interests are water resources engineering and hydrology, with a special focus on the flood modelling, Natural-based solution, and hydropower within that context. The larger research question she tries to address is how to overcome data scarcity for hydrology modelling using spatial analysis and data mining to produce high-accuracy models. Prof. Hidayah hold a M.UM (2001) in  Urban Management from University of Canberra, Australia and Doctoral (2011) in Civil Engineering from Institute Teknologi Sepuluh November, Indonesia. She joined the UNEJ Department of Civil Engineering in July 2004. Prof. Hidayah is also Head of the water resources  laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering. 

Research Interest

Water Resources Engineering, Hydrology Modelling, Flood Modelling, Spatial Analysis, Natural-based Solution, Hydropower